List of the Karno-Ruthenian member states
There are 11 member states of the Empire. The criteria for admission of new members are set out in the Karno-Ruthenian Compromise of 2016 and other derivatives treaties, like the Treaty of Nison, signed between the Empire and the Kingdom of Cumagne or the Duchy of Appinfeldt. Membership in the Empire is open to all states which accept the obligations contained in treaties like be under rule of the Emperor-King and have only authonomy, for example. The admission of any such state to membership in the Empire will be effected by a decision of the rulers of the states that compose the Empire, upon the recommendation of the Imperial and Royal Council. A recommendation for admission requires affirmative votes from at least the half plus one members of the Council. In principle, only a sovereign state can become a member of the Empire, considering that this sovereign state surrender its sovereignity to the Empire. The Empire officially came into existence on 01 August 2016, after ratification of the Karno-Ruthenian Compromise of 2016 signed between Karnia, Ruthenia (on behalf of Libertia) and Horvatia.
Current Member States[edit | edit source]
Former Member States[edit | edit source]
Flag | Coat of Arms | State name | State code | Capital city | Number of citizens | Area (km2) | Official language(s) | Head of State | Date of resignation |
As part of Ruthenia | |||||||||
As part of Ruthenia | |||||||||
As part of Ruthenia | |||||||||
Japanese |
Greek |
Welsh |
merged to Karnia | |||||||||
Portuguese |
Latin |
Japanese |
Nordinsel |