Southern Segacia

From Empire of Karnia-Ruthenia
Kingdom of Southern Segacia
Reino da Segacia do Sul (pt)


Official Flag

Águias, símbolo de poder
Eagles the symbol of power (English)
Capital citySouthern Segacia
Official language(s)Portuguese
DemonymEagle (Águia)
GovernmentConstitutional monarchy
- KingAlexandro I, II, III and IV
- Prime ministerPinypon
Area claimed~5 m²
CurrencyFake coins
National animalEagle

Kingdom of Southern Segacia (Portuguese: Reino da Segacia do Sul) or also known as Southern Segacia was a non-sovereign micronation which existed between 2005-2006 and occupied the southern part of the Great Kingdom of Segacia. It was founded by Alexandro I, II, III and IV followed by the Great War of Segacia wich ended in separation of both Southern and Northern Segacia.

Etymology[edit | edit source]

The Northern and Southern parts of Segacia.

Like Northern Segacia, the word "Southern" indicates the south side of the previous nation and "Segacia" derives from "Sega", a commonly spoken word to identify a place or a territory between D. Guilherme da Lomellina e Berenguer and Alexandro I, II, III and IV.

Government[edit | edit source]

Southern Segacia was a Constitutional Monarchy, being the King ruler over the nation and the Prime minister the head of the government.

History[edit | edit source]

Southern Segacia was the result of a separation between the North and the South sides of the Great Kingdom of Segacia and it was established by Alexandro I, II, III and IV during the Great War of Segacia against his brother D. Guilherme da Lomellina e Berenguer.

The two always fought after their separation, conquering territory from each other's until their mutual dissolution in 2006.

See also[edit | edit source]